Increase your income with our advertising formats

We give publishers complete control. Our ad units can be personalized to create the best viewing experience for the website users.


The Flyroll ad unit appears as a small player in one of the corners of a web page and follows the users as they scroll down. The player will disappear once the ad finishes, or can be manually closed.


Created specifically to enrich your in-page content, the Stream Unit boosts views and supplies authentic, premium videos your viewers will want to watch.


Video ad unit that opens as the Inread format when inside of an article and which changes to the Flyroll format when scrolling through the page.


Video ad format that covers the interface of the site. This format covers the mobile screen and floats on desktop devices. Interstitial ads appear when a user makes an action, for example clicking to another article.


The Interscroller provides maximum impact across all devices. It’s a video inread unit which scrolls into view as the user scrolls through an article.


VAST integration to your player, with our ads showing before your site’s videos.

Key Features

  • Supports every video format

  • Auto-play on any device

  • Supports VAST 2.0/3.0 and VPAID 2.0 on both desktop and mobile

  • Totally compliant with IAB guidelines

  • HTML5 rendering engine

  • Аutomated ad waterfall support for maximum fill-rate

Player screenshot

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